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Friday, April 1, 2011

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins is my kind of game. An egregiously long fantasy RPG game. Fully completing the game would take you about 5 years and a half a day, and that's if you skip the dialogue. All the combat and exploring works just like you'd expect it. My biggest gripe with the is the camera. It's controlled with the right mouse button, the same button used to attack and interact with things. The tactical view is horrible and useless, and the game doesn't even register my mouse wheel's movements. I'd rather play the game from the viewpoint of Dungeon Siege rather than Diablo, anyway, so it didn't matter as much. It's just a bit weird I didn't even have a choice.

My second play through has made it easier to advance, now that I know what I'm doing. I'm not sure how Dragon Age 2 will fair, but the 30 hour adventure I had in Dragon Age: Origins has set itself in stone as one of the best RPGs I've ever played. Maybe it'll be one of the best RPG series I've ever played.

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