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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mortal Kombat (2011)

Mortal Kombat isn't the most technical of fighters. It'll probably never have the huge following Street Fighter or Marvel VS Capcom has, but it is a good game. Fatalities have replaced those retarded heroic brutality things from MKVDCU, and X-Ray attacks have replaced Rage mode. I haven't played any of the games on the PS or PS2, but I know that this is a good game. I like fighters. I play MvC3 and SF all the time. Maybe it's nostalgia of my SNES days, but this game is really good. A lot of bugs persist far into it's release, but I can see past that as it doesn't affect me that much.

People wonder if MK will last after the big fighting game tournament, EVO, this year. Netherrealm studios will make sure that it does last with all the DLC characters being released. Fuck yeah, Kenshi.

Duke Nukem Forever

A nasty looking game from an era I'm glad that has passed, Duke Nukem Forever only sold copies because of the title. The game is boring. If the levels aren't cramped, they're long, bleak corridors. You can interact with the environment which is nice, but most of the time that's all there is to do in between pretentious boss battles, and surprisingly stupid encounters with the dreadful AI. Duke Nukem Forever should've stayed that great game we never got, instead of the outdated shit that it is.

Also, I bought the $100 Balls of Steel edition. I'll be sure to mark that under 'Retarded things I've done'.